The box comes with all the necessary fixings and clear instructions, making setup quick and hassle-free. The mounting plate (included) slots into a hole on the backside of the box. This allows you to mount the plate, then offer up and attach the box. A much easier process than trying to mount the box directly.
What are the boxes made of?
Our boxes are made from 18mm ply. Our ply is sourced from responsible plantations within Europe that plant 3 trees for each 1 that is harvested.
The ply has excellent water resistance, the surface is breathable and water vapour can move freely. This is one of the reasons why our ply will not delaminate, unlike others available. You do not need to treat the ply prior to mounting the box.
The paint used on roofs of boxes (if applicable) is a water based, heat reflective, roofing paint.
All screws used are stainless steel. We design the boxes to minimise our reliance on screws.
Care & Maintenance:
There is no need to treat or paint the boxes prior to putting them up. If you want to paint the box, we suggest using a water-based, non-toxic paint. Please do not paint over the dark circles on swift boxes - these are visual clues to swifts that there is a nesting cavity.
We suggest inspecting the box once a year when you are very confident there are no nesting birds using it.
To clean the box, only if needed:
Sweep out any leaf litter or pellets from the base of the box.
Using a weak solution of dish soap and warm water, wipe the whole box down, making sure to clean in the corners.
Make sure the box is dry before replacing any substrate on the box floor.
This is done to ensure any pests or diseases carried by nesting birds are eliminated.
To maintain the box:
While your box is down for a clean, inspect all sides and joints for any damage.
If, in the unlikely event of any cracks, fill with wood filler and make sure this dries fully.
Inspect the mounting plate and fixings before remounting the box.